To enter a bug report, you can you turn on the debug log file and then send that to us. The debug log file is a list of all the actions that the add-in is taking (including any errors that may be happening behind the scenes).

Verbose logging is off by default - so to turn it on:

  1. Go to (in Outlook) to Sperry Software tab
  2. Click the red/blue Sperry Software icon to pull up the Configuration window
  3. Click Options
  4. Check the “Enable writing to the log file" checkbox
  5. Restart Outlook
  6. Try to duplicate the problem
  7. Go back to the Sperry Software Configuration window
  8. Click the “Send To Support” button (which pulls up an email with the log file attached)
  9. Put down a brief description of the problem in the email
  10. Click Send to send it in

You should get an email confirmation back within a few minutes from our support portal.  Someone will be able to diagnose the problem and will reply back to the email you sent, unless you specify a different email address.


Even better, if your problem is viewable you can send us a screen shot. To get a screen shot, just press Alt+PrntScrn on your keyboard (when your screen is ready, that is). This puts it into a copy/paste buffer. Then just open Word, paste it in, and send it in. Alternatively, depending on the version of Windows you're running, you can:

  1. Go to Start...Run (or press the Windows key in Windows 8 or Windows 10)
  2. Type in "Snipping Tool"
  3. Hit Enter
  4. Follow the on screen instructions to create a snippet and paste it into the tech support email

Of course, if you have a quick question or if you can't even see the add-in in the first place you can always just enter a New Support Ticket (from the support portal) but be sure to include your Outlook version and which add-in you have.  You can also follow the status of your bug report from this same tech support portal as well.